

Building a lasting legacy to Covid19

Since the horrific pandemic crisis that has been circling the globe, each country and region has been handling the implications differently. Mixed with the deep sadness of losing loved ones, the groups facing this head on have been the health community, key worker sectors (civics, charitable and commercial) and local communities (residents, faith and community groups). They have all shown extraordinary strength and unity in facing the impact of this virus. As expected, there are a large number of locations thinking how to respond next and we are looking to build a library of casestudies to showcase their initiatives. For more details contact:

Rainbow Memorials

Similar to War Memorials, each community should set up a monument to remember those who were lost and how the 3 cluster groups supported this crisis.

A memorial rationale

This is to mark the deep loss of loved ones in every community and to also recognise the immense bravery shown by the health, key worker sectors and positive character communities have shown.

The rainbow has been a symbol shown by the public in solidarity to the health and key worker sectors.

  • Lost loved ones / A way to remember the lost loved ones in our communities
  • Health / Remembering the health professionals who looked after all those effected by Covid19
  • Key Worker Sectors / This is to honour all the Key Workers and industries that supported vulnerable people and maintained the country to keep functioning (such as charities, civic agencies, banking, shops etc)
  • Communities / Despite the lockdowns, communities rallied together to meet the local needs of each other (be that practical, compassion or spiritual support)

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Notably, like local War Memorials, each Rainbow Memorial could be funded by local councils.

Rainbow Council

Similar to a ‘war cabinet’, every community should set up a Rainbow Council and gather key groups to make sure there is a fluid and appropriate response to times of crisis.

Rainbow councils rationale

During the pandemic crisis, every community responded collaboratively with key stakeholders to make sure all the needs of the residents were met. That said, there was a huge scrabble by most groups in how to respond best. In some locations, it revealed how vastly ill-prepared they were.

For the future, to eliminate a gap of needs, each region could have in place Rainbow Councils (a form of ‘war cabinet’) to work together more fluidly to ensure the needs of communities are met better.

It is worth also mentioning that a Rainbow Council goes further than a Local Resilience Forum [LRF] (, as LRFs are organised from a regional level. In contrast, a Rainbow Council will be more focused on a local parish level, meeting a broader number of residential needs.

Notably, the icon reveals how all the rainbow colours interlink. The introduction of the colour black is a reminder of the seriousness of a scenario.


Post this crisis, what does tomorrow look like?

With such profoundly unusual activities happening, such as lockdowns, the collapsing of economies, leaps in care and compassion and the devastating impact of losing so many loved ones, it’s entirely appropriate that this crisis is remembered and where appropriate carry lessons learned forward into the future.


For a united, universal and coordinated response there needs to be a number of actions.


  • This needs to be universally endorsed by government, civic, commercial and charitable sectors.


  • There needs to be a site road mapping how each local region set up Rainbow Memorials and  Rainbow Councils.
  • This would also include governance, funding streams and behavioural rhythms by all key sectors.