
Cedar UK, based on the successful model of the partnership working in Coventry, will create a network of Regional Development Workers to:

  • Broker relationships between local Churches and Statutory Agencies to create partnerships to deliver Social Action programmes that meet the needs of the local community

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  • Establish a platform for the core delivery agencies (local and central government) and local Faith Sector (the Church) to work more cohesively together.

The rationale behind working with the Church is multiple:

  • It has a rich heritage of  already working with the community through social action.
  • It is the largest single voluntary body in the UK with approximately one Church in every community in the UK.
  • It has a massive pool of volunteers who are connected and invested into their local community.
  • It has under utilised facilities which can host programmes.
    • The Churches prime expression of their faith is to show love in action. Therefore, properly directed, the Church can provide an efficient and effective intervention to meet the needs of their community.