The Delivery Model

/The Delivery Model
The Delivery Model2018-10-17T15:14:11+00:00

Cedar UK Local Delivery Roadmap

  1. Cedar will broker relationships between the key agencies (DWP, Public Health, MoJ, Councils etc).
  2. Working with the local senior faith group leader/s (such as a Bishop) as a project advocate and backer. Cedar will secure up the Faith Sector to be fit for action (LifePort Training) and firm up established relationships/partnerships.
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  4. Cedar will then identify, train and mentor local representatives  to enable them to act as a go between the Faith, Voluntary and Statutory Sectors, identifying local priority social challenges and needs.
  5. From the needs identified, both Sector Groups will channel needed funds to resolve the issues (e.g. DWP barrier breaking fund, Church Urban Fund etc). From our knowledge of the charity sector we will be able to connect the needs identified to established franchised or replicable programmes (foodbanks, debt, winter night shelters, age related support projects, and youth programmes as examples).
  6. Separately, there will be instances where each sector will already have social action programmes in place, but will ask the other for support. For instance, a statutory youth programme made need to draw on the large pool of volunteers from the Church to help or may need to use Churches premises for different programmes.