Through discussions with Central Government (Cabinet Office & DWP) on the back of the success of the Social Action work in Coventry, Cedar UK has been set up to replicate this model throughout the UK.
The Church has 5 major strengths :
- A huge army of volunteers passionate about supporting people in their community
- Thousands of venues to host social programmes
- A local presence in all communities throughout the UK.
- A well developed network of franchised projects which support local delivery (debt, foodbanks etc.)
- A variety of sources of income to deliver on Social Action
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With these facts, the Church brings value not just for money, but also value for many too.
The value for money case has been referenced by Simon Brake (Coventry City Council). With regard to Coventry foodbank, the City Council provides annual funding of £20k per year to facilitate service delivery. We estimate that the cost of a council delivered service would be £840k.
It has become apparent that the severity of national to local government funding cuts has required local authorities to drive new and innovative approaches to local service delivery rather than reduce or indeed eliminate them. With a 2,000 year track record in social engagement the church has become the partner of choice in delivering efficient and effective community services.